Saturday, 26 June 2010

Juveniles now fledged

The two juveniles took their first flights around Tuesday 22nd June, and today (26th) are now flying very well as the picture above shows:-

Thursday, 24 June 2010

24th June 2010

The image server used at St Wulfram's has been moved to a barn owl nestbox north of Sleaford, to see live images of the barn owl, please click

21st June 2010 - final video footage!

This is the final video footage from the nesting tray at St Wulfram's Church. Taken on the morning of the 21st June 2010, it shows the fully grown juvenile peregrines and their new found freedom! It is unlikely they will return to the nesting tray again! However, on the morning of the 24th June both youngsters could be seen sat on the parapet at the front of the church. Later that morning the adult bird was watched soaring over Grantham ASDA!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

23rd June 2010 - Webcam Update

The Webcam: The Peregrine chick’s are no longer using the nesting tray provided at St Wulfram’s, so the image server has been removed and is now being used at a Barn Owl box north of Sleaford. Both Peregrine chick’s can easily be seen from the church yard, they are often seen sitting on the parapet just above the nesting box.

The screen is still working inside the church, so visitors can still live images of the tray, and also buy a coffee and a cake at the church cafe! (Details of the Barn Owl cam will be published soon.)

Monday, 14 June 2010

14th June...plenty of food!!!

There looks to be plenty of food about judging by the state of the nest tray!
Here the chicks are being fed their most common prey, a feral pigeon.
Soon the chicks will be standing around on the parapet above the walkway and there will be excellent views from the grass on the west side of the Church.
The Bird Club hope to run another pegwatch in the grounds on Saturday 26th June.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

New Video - Feeding Time

Video from the 8th June 2010, feeding time at St Wulfram's church.

WARNING - turn down the sound on your computer, the birds are very vocal now!!

New Video - Chick's go Walk-about

Video from the 8th June 2010, showing chick's walking around the nesting tray and wing stretching.

WARNING - turn down the sound on your computer, the birds are very vocal now!!

Monday, 7 June 2010

7th June....walkabout

Just two and a half hours after my last blog, the chicks have gone for a walkabout.
They will probably return to the tray later when they're hungry!

7th June.... Four weeks old!

The chicks are a month old and have changed so much since the end of last week.
The more adventurous chick was thinking of leaving the tray for a walkabout today , but decided to stay put. It won't be long now before they explore the walkway.

Friday, 4 June 2010

4th June

Thc chicks are developing very quickly now, with their flight and tail feathers growing several milimetres each day. They are also getting more mobile and are likely to leave the nest tray any day now and wander off around the adjacent walkway. In another ten days or so they may be viewable from the church grounds below, as they perch on top of the walkway parapet.